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Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Tuesday on Today 9/25

I'm doing a compilation of yesterday and today since I ran out of time to post yesterday. On the fourth hour yesterday the ladies and their guests discussed emotional cheating. Innocent or unfaithful? Can a relationship ever recover? Those were the types of questions posed to Rene Syler, author of "Good Enough Mother," psychologist Judith Sills, editor Victoria Zacheim and Caroline Leavitt who has first-hand experience with this subject since her first husband was a cheater. Basically, the consensus is that yes, emotional cheating is infidelity even if the cheaters never physically touch each other. One third of divorces are because of emotional cheating. Wow, that's a lot. But there really isn't much more to get into here on this subject. That's why I just incorporated it into today's post.

Today's Family featured a segment called Parenting Your Parents. They showed a daughter who is constantly telling her parents what to do and correcting them--considered nagging. She's in her mid-twenties and her parents aren't that old, so this is not well received. The basic advice of this segment is: no nagging. If your parents are getting up in the years and you're worried about their finances or health, then step in and try and help. But don't make it seem like you're trying to take over their lives. Trust me, they won't accept your advice no matter how well intentioned. I see my sisters doing it constantly with my mother and she doesn't appreciate it, to say the least. My advice is to offer a helping hand, and don't make it seem like you think they're incompetent. Try to put yourself in their position. And think of how you want your own kids to treat you in the future.

Today's Fitness featured Workout With The Biggest Loser. You can read the new book "The Biggest Loser Fitness Program" and get more tips on losing weight. Today's tips were: stay hydrated. That basically means to drink water constantly--don't even think about it, just drink. Always have water with you. I always do. It makes sense since sometimes thirst is mistaken for hunger. Always plan ahead. Have healthy snacks with you at all times so the drive-thru doesn't look so tempting. And educate yourself. The book has tips from all the contestants. They all lost weight, so they must work. Check my Amazon search box for it right here.

Next up was something called Free To Be Me. I guess it's a new regular like Today's Family or Critic's Corner (which is up next). Today's segment was about do it yourself hairstyles with Katrina Szish. They showed some before and afters. One used an at home hair painting kit to get some really nice looking highlights. Only problem is you need to have a "hair buddy" to help out especially with the back. And take it from my experience, it's hard enough doing the front by yourself, so don't ever attempt to do the back. I had the scars to prove it. Luckily hair grows back. Anyway, the problem is, this is supposed to be "do it yourself." If you need help, you're not doing it yourself. The next new do was on someone who added bangs to her long hair. But do you think she cut them herself? Of course not! You can't ever attempt to cut bangs into hair that doesn't already have them. But once they're there, you can trim them up yourself by cutting upward into the hair rather than straight across. Unless you like looking like a three year-old. Again, this is not something that was done by herself. So the title is kind of a misnomer if you ask me.

Moving on to The Critic's Corner, Gene Shallot reviewed "In The Shadow Of The Moon" about the first trip to the moon, or something like that. He raved about it. I went back to eating my breakfast because it looked like a real snoozer to me. But anything about space and rockets just makes me tune out immediately. I guess I should say "space out." Sorry, I had to find some humor in an otherwise humorless review of a boring movie. OTOH, Gene apparently also reviewed "Eastern Promises" with Viggo Mortenson and Naomi Watts earlier in the show and though he basically gave it a good review, he did say that it deserves an NC-17 rating for its relentless violence. I'm still adding it to my must-see movie list. I love Viggo Mortenson, especially when he's bad. He's so good at it.

And finally, another book was featured: "The Hollywood Trainer Weight Loss Plan." Author, Jeanette Jenkins showed some moves such as the single leg squat, the one leg pick-up where you bend down to pick up something up off the floor with your legs straitht, lifting the back leg so you look like a flamingo--this helps work on balance too. She also demonstrated some isometric abdominal work, some of which you can do in your car by contracting your muscles while you're stopped at a traffic light. Check out the book for more moves.

And that's a wrap.

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