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Sunday, July 8, 2007

Previous Posts From Former Site

Friday on Today 7/6

Today’s Family: Fighting in Front of Your Kids. Okay, in case you didn’t know, this is not a good idea. You should try not to fight in front of your kids. If you do, make sure the kids know that you still love each other and it’s okay to argue once in a while–everyone does. Psychotherapist, Robi Ludwig, from a story out of “Cookie Magazine,” gave advice to “wives and mothers” that your child can really be affected by your fighting. Excuse me? Wives and mothers? Who are they fighting with, themselves? Why wasn’t this advice geared to both “wives and mothers” and “husbands and fathers?” In another segment of obvious information, this psychotherapist managed to insult half (if not more of) the audience by putting all the blame on “wives and mothers” for their kids’ psychological problems. Read more of this if you care to on The Today Show website or “Cookie Magazine,” but I’ve heard enough.
Moving onto Today’s Travel where they featured The Best Island Beaches. Lizard Island is in Australia and costs about $1,000/night. A better deal is on The Greek Isles - Shipwreck Island in The Ionian Sea which only costs $380/night. On to The Bahamas at Pink Sands Beach on Harbour Island which costs $600/night. Then to Jamaica, 7 Mile Beach in Negril which will run you only $365/night. But a better deal is right here in the U.S. on Ocracoke Island Beach in North Carolina at $200-260/night. If you care to go to Texas, you can stay at South Padre Island where it only costs $199-289/night. But don’t go during spring break since it’s legal to have kegs on the beach.
They have this thing going on called Harry Potter and Today’s Mystery Question, with this being the fourth installment. I’m not a Harry Potter fan, so this means nothing to me. Not knowing the names of anyone else but the main character (why is he the only one with a normal name?) I can’t even attempt to remember what the question was or who it involved. I don’t even know why they’re doing this. Maybe the winner gets some kind of prize. I’m sure there is more information on their website if you need to know.
Next was a story entitled, Just as Sweet: Fake Cakes at Weddings. They’re made out of styrofoam and cost much less than their edible competition. And you can rent them! With costs in the hundreds to thousands for a real wedding cake, I think it’s a great idea. Some of them even come with secret compartments where you can stash twinkies. Who wouldn’t rather have a twinkie than a miniscule piece of overly decorated wedding cake?
Onto Today’s Kitchen: Grilling Around the World: Going Greek. They roasted some peppers and some kind of meat–probably chicken. There was an array of other foods for the grill, too.
Fall Out Boy was their Summer Concert Series musical guest and finished the show with their first hit “Dance Dance.”
Obviously running long on time again and short on content, they ended early at around 9:52 with sappy hightlights of previous shows.
Maybe they’ll have heavier stuff next week when the regulars come back from vacation.
Till then. Have a great weekend!
Thursday on Today 7/05
Friday, July 6th in Lucky Seven Getaways, Dr. Scholl, building strong bones, the new face, personal trainers for kids, Feet No comments (Edit)
We started off the day with Today’s Fitness about keeping your kids healthy. Some people are now hiring personal trainers for their kids. Whatever happened to sending them outside with some toys and maybe tossing the ball around with them? Well, obviously everyone can’t afford to hire a guy built like LL Cool J to keep their kids in shape, so they focused on some things parents can do. Such as the obvious: turn off the TV and computer. Perhaps so they can go out and play? Then more obvious: be a role model. If they see you working out and staying shape, they’re more likely to do so themselves. And even more obvious: focus on nutrition and have family meals. Is any of this news to anyone? If it is, then I’m glad you tuned in (either to the show or to my blog) so you learned how to keep your kids from growing out while growing up.
Next up was a segment on Turning Feet Sultry Soft, or Toe Time: Feet, The New Face–who comes up with these titles? Anyway, I’m sure that’s at the top of everyone’s to-do list. Some common problems for feet are blisters, to which they focused on prevention: moisturize, use bandaids, wear properly sized shoes–and it probably doesn’t matter how well they fit if they cram your feet into a shape they weren’t meant to be in, like an arrow. Another common problem is corns which you can use some kind of Dr. Scholl’s product to put on them–really that’s what they said. This segment was obviously sponsored by Dr. Scholl. Moving onto nail discoloration such as yellowing or toenail fungus. You can put some polish-like substance on to get rid of it. Ironically, the yellowing is caused by polish, particularly dark colors. The last problem they discussed was bunions which are hereditary and sometimes require surgery. But you can try orthotics and/or splints first.
Today’s Health focused on building strong bones. Here’s more from the book of the obvious: eat 2-3 servings of dairy a day to ensure good calcium intake. Here is something that you probably didn’t know: chick peas and walnuts are good sources of calcium. I actually learned something there.
Today’s Travel was focused on Lucky Seven Getaways. In case you forgot, Saturday is 7/7/07. You can get special vacation packages from a $77 hotel room in LA to a $777 spa stay in Las Vegas. I don’t get it. It’s just a date. But if people can make money off it, they’re sure as hell going to try. I’ll stay home and watch the Live Earth concert.
Today’s Kitchen: Grilling Around The World had BBQ Bon Appetit with blue prongs, watermelon, spicy relish and horseradish. Grilled watermelon–interesting.
Till Tomorrow.
Wednesday on Today 7/4
Thursday, July 5th in kid etiquette, 100 dollar bottle of beer, Polo for the people, Work to Ride, Fourth of July, beer is the new wine, The Today Show No comments (Edit)
Hope everyone had a happy Fourth of July! We started the 9:00 hour today with a Kid Etiquette class. Kids need to learn to be polite, and have style and grace. As well as to be kind, courteous and respectful. Unfortunately most of them don’t. They learn from their parents so this segment was geared more to them. Know what to expect and expect it (rather vague). Always behave the way you want your kids to behave. Easier said than done but very true. Then again, whatever happened to “Do as I say, not as I do?” Of course, “Practice what you preach,” is an even more widely known cliche.
Ride to a better life is what the next segment focused on. Polo For The People. The work to Ride Program. (Why must all these segments have so many names when one would get the point across just as well?) Anyway, it’s a program that gives inner city kids a chance to learn how to play polo. Getting kids off the street and into the stable is their motto. Sounds like a good idea. Something about horses seems to soothe even the harshest of criminals. But some the kids end up in jail anyway. Oh well, you can’t save them all.
Today’s Kitchen was again focused on Grilling Around The World with a Fourth of July Feast of chicken and grilled corn on the cob, followed by peanut butter and jelly cupcakes. Yum. They were supposed to feature red, white, and blue desserts and I guess they somehow got those cupcakes to become those colors, but they ran out of time to get to any more.
Moving onto a beer segment. Beer is the new wine. How to match beer with food. Serve fried food with hoppy beers such as IPAs (India Pale Ales). Serve lighter fare with pilsners. Lager goes better with foods crisp in style. Potato chips, anyone? Ale is good with heavier, richer foods. Such as those peanut butter and jelly cupcakes? There is also a beer that costs a hundred bucks a bottle. It’s made by Sam Adams and is 25% alcohol. No thanks, I’ll stick to something like Twisted Tea if I want to drink something like a beer with more of a kick. Again, the Today Show hosts were enjoying a little nip on this Fourth of July morning. I’ve got to get a job on that show. They’re always having fun, no matter how early.
They signed off early today. And why not? None of the regulars were there on a holiday. Except Ann doing the news. And drinking beer with her co-hosts.
Till Tomorrow.
Tuesday on Today 7/3
Wednesday, July 4th in How to Lose 10 pounds without really trying, The best boardwalks in America, Larry King's interview with Isaiah Washington, T.R. Knight, Larry King, The Today Show No comments (Edit)
We started off the the third hour of Today by welcoming a new third hour co-host, Stacy London. Then it was onto Spa Dentistry where you can get everything from facials to manicures while you get your teeth worked on. I’m sure most of the procedures are cosmetic since I would imagine getting a massage during a root canal would kind of ruin the relaxation. Plus that was all they talked about, whitening and veneers. In case you hadn’t noticed, this show is dedicated to making yourself look better. At least this hour. And I doubt your dental plan will cover pafafin wax even if you get it while having your cavities filled.
Onto Today’s Travel where they showed The Best Boardwalks in America. Most of them are on the East coast. Only one on the West coast. Let’s see, there’s Atlantic City which is about 4 miles of boardwalk. Then there’s Coney Island which is 2.5 miles long and Ocean City, MD which is 3 miles long. Santa Cruz, CA is considered the Coney Island of the west. Fascinating stuff.
Larry King’s interview with Isaiah Washington was the next feature where Isaiah complained about being a victim and blamed the whole gay slur problem on T.R. Knight–you know the one Mr. Washington called a faggot? He blames T.R. Knight for using it to get more publicity. Oh yeah, well who’s out there doing talk shows and shooting his mouth off about being unfairly treated? Quit your whining and grow up. Obviously he learned nothing in “rehab.” Please, since when is rehab the answer to everything? And what kind of things do they teach homophobes in a few days of rehab anyway?
Moving on to How To Lose 10 Pounds Without Really Trying. Before you get your hopes up, I’ve got some bad news for you: it’s all done with make-up. You’re not really going to lose weight, just look like you have. At least according to make-up artist, Eve Pearl, who uses lots of blush to create a hollowed cheek and what she calls a facelift. Of course, you have to use concealer under your eyes and around the mouth to camouflage those pesky lines, but if you have the time to spend on all this primping, maybe you’ll shed a few years as well as pounds. I doubt it. Especially if you’re not a make-up artist, or should I say an illusionist yourself.
The show wrapped up with another Grilling Around The World segment. This time grilling Japanese style. Looks like they used fish again–not sure. They probably added some veggies.
Till next time, happy Fourth of July!
Monday on Today 7/2
Tuesday, July 3rd in weekend get away kit, Today Show Wedding, Mommy Envy, weekend box office, Ratatouille, The Today Show No comments (Edit)
Good morning. Hope everyone had a good weekend. The weekend box office was good for the movie Ratatouille, which apparently nobody on The Today Show can pronounce. It’s Rat-ah-tooey just in case anyone was wondering. Anyway, it came in at number one so they should know how to say it right. Coming in at number two was Live Free or Die Hard followed by Evan Almighty at number three. They don’t give the rest, sorry.
Following a news and weather update, we went right into a segment entitled “Mommy Envy,” about moms being jealous of other moms that seem to have everything together–at least more than you do. I was there a few weeks ago myself while watching my son’s preschool class put on a performance for family members. While other moms had their toddlers sitting quietly in their laps, mine was squirming, crying, and trying to join her big brother up on the “stage.” I kept wondering why mine was the only one misbehaving. Anyway, I certainly understand mommy envy as I wondered how all those other moms kept their sedate toddlers in their laps. The advice to all moms was to 1) let go of perfection–or the illusion of it because let’s face it, nobody has it, no matter what it looks like on the surface. 2) If you want something for yourself, get it–whatever that means. I want a new iphone, but it’s not in my budget. And finally, 3) appreciate yourself and keep things in perspective. In other words, since you’re probably not appreciated by others–lots of moms aren’t, especially stay-at-home moms–at least know that you’re doing a great service and someday it will pay off. Being a parent is the toughest but most rewarding job was what I gathered to be the theme of that segment.
Today’s Style: How not to overpack for a weekend getaway. They showcased a weekend getaway kit that included a sarong which doubled as a shirt. I had to laugh at that one. Looks like you’d have to be an engineer to figure out how to wrap it right so it doesn’t look you’re wearing a shower curtain. Pack one clutch and one day bag, two pairs of shoes, again one for evening and one for daytime. Pack a white sundress (white is the new black) and a couple of tank tops and you’re done. Oh, and don’t forget the shorts and maybe some jeans. I’d leave the sarong at home–just pack a beach cover-up and a normal shirt. How much more room is going to take up in your suitcase?
Then there was a big announcement on the show: they’re doing another Today Show wedding and are going out to find couples to audition to get married on The Today Show. Who wants to see strangers get married on TV? I don’t even like going to weddings of people I know. But at least then you get a meal and and an open bar–if you’re lucky.
Today’s Home: How to have a party on a budget with patriotic party ideas. Some of the suggestions were to use bandanas instead of napkins. That would probably save money unless your guests decided to toss them out with the paper plates. Make food the centerpiece with a giant glass box of chips and another of salsa. Interesting idea but I don’t know where you’d get containers like that. And does anybody really care what the centerpiece looks like (or if you even have one) when you’re eating outside? They also showed colored soda bottles as centerpieces. Again, why bother? And who wants to drink soda at a party? If you’re serving it to kids–bad idea since it rots their teeth. And adults probably want something with more of a kick, and I don’t mean from the salsa. By the way, the patriotic part was because most of the plates and balloons were red white or blue–how original.
Gene Shallot reviewed “Evening,” which opened this weekend. He said it is a must-see and I’m happy after seeing Richard Roper and his co-host give it two thumbs down last night. That surprised me because of the all star cast including Vanessa Redgrave, Meryl Streep, Miranda Richardson, and Claire Danes to name a few. The movie got four stars in my local paper, and it’s on my to-see list mostly because of the beautiful ocean-front scenes that were shot right here in my home state of RI. Newport and Tiverton provided the houses and scenery.
Moving on to grilling tips where they barbecued shellfish. Since it’s Fourth of July week, they’ll be throwing anything they can find on the grill.
That wraps up Yesterday on Today for Monday.
Till Tomorrow.

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